Janet Roller - Living Oak Ministries

- Janet Roller
- Hi. I'm Janet Roller: wife of one, mother of two, lover of coffee and writer of songs. I have just finished my first fiction novel and I'm looking forward to watching how God uses the simple story to minister to others. God is a big deal to me. My goal each day is to wake up and declare, "This day is Yours, Lord. Show me what to do with it."
Saturday, October 25, 2008
TSMS- I Call Him Lord
Mark Lowry and Lordsong
My sweet Mama used to sing this Dottie Rambo song when I was a little girl. I was reminded of it as we began preparing for a Christmas program this week. Before I knew it, my hands were in the air and tears were filling my eyes. I am so glad I can call Him "Lord".
I hope you enjoy it!
For more TSMS check out AMY at Sign, Miracles and Wonders.
Friday, October 17, 2008
TSMS - Nothin' for My Journey
The Happy Goodman Family - I Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!!!
I grew up singing this song in my little country church. God is really impressing on my spirit the importance of obeying in every step of the journey. I act like my little kids when I keep asking, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? How much farther, Lord?" Instead I should be enjoying where I am with Him that day.
Enjoy. If this isn't your style of music...just enjoy how far we've come since the as-big-as-your-head bow tie days. But Vestel still had her white hanky!
For more great songs, check out Then Sings My Soul Saturday with Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders.
Who Holds the Keys
Yesterday was interesting. The day began with a police officer at my door requesting that we "leash" our dog (apparently there's a law or something). Although shocked that anyone would make the effort to tame the beast that is "Millie", I agreed. Millie is an overweight beagle with short legs and torn ligaments. Even if she did "go after" someone...a quick skip would put said person far enough ahead that she would give up the chase. Funny.
Millie - Be Afraid. Be very afraid!
Next, I locked myself out of the house. Matt, who had been home for 18 days straight due to his recent job loss, was out of town. Of course he was. But here's the "glory lining": during my walk to retrieve keys from Matt's parents' home (1/2 mile away), God gave me this devotional. May it bless and challenge your heart as it did mine.
Who Holds the Keys

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”
Psalm 91:14
I am a door locker. If my family is leaving for the day, I am the one who makes sure everything is locked up. At night, the last thing I do is make my rounds to ensure all locks are secured. This has been my routine for so long, it has become instinctual: I lock the door without even knowing it. Normally, this routine is not a problem…unless my key is on the other side of the door.
When I blindly go through my “routine” and forget my key, the same dead bolt lock that offers so much security is the very thing that keeps me from getting where I want and need to be. In the same way, physical securities are not bad for us: job, insurance, health, family. However, if we lose sight of the True Key to our security, the very same blessings can become the barriers standing between where we are and where God wants us to be: in His presence.
Evaluate today your priorities. Is something standing in between you and your ability to give all to Christ? Has a recent job loss, sickness or lost relationship made you feel out of control? Our need to control our circumstances removes God from the throne of our lives. Take comfort knowing God is in control. If we give Him the keys, we will never be locked out.
Next, I locked myself out of the house. Matt, who had been home for 18 days straight due to his recent job loss, was out of town. Of course he was. But here's the "glory lining": during my walk to retrieve keys from Matt's parents' home (1/2 mile away), God gave me this devotional. May it bless and challenge your heart as it did mine.
Who Holds the Keys

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”
Psalm 91:14
I am a door locker. If my family is leaving for the day, I am the one who makes sure everything is locked up. At night, the last thing I do is make my rounds to ensure all locks are secured. This has been my routine for so long, it has become instinctual: I lock the door without even knowing it. Normally, this routine is not a problem…unless my key is on the other side of the door.
When I blindly go through my “routine” and forget my key, the same dead bolt lock that offers so much security is the very thing that keeps me from getting where I want and need to be. In the same way, physical securities are not bad for us: job, insurance, health, family. However, if we lose sight of the True Key to our security, the very same blessings can become the barriers standing between where we are and where God wants us to be: in His presence.
Evaluate today your priorities. Is something standing in between you and your ability to give all to Christ? Has a recent job loss, sickness or lost relationship made you feel out of control? Our need to control our circumstances removes God from the throne of our lives. Take comfort knowing God is in control. If we give Him the keys, we will never be locked out.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bedtime Revelation
I know I haven't been terribly faithful to this blog lately. Anything I feel inspired by...I'm throwing in the book I'm working on!
Had to share this, though...
Last night during bedtime prayers, I was bragging on Sam about how proud I was that he was behaving in school. See, we've had an interesting school career so far. Last year, in FIRST GRADE, he was suspended for 1 day for repeatedly talking in class. A BIT extreme in my opinion but...that's another post.
Anyway, the conversation was kind of like this:
"Sam, I am so proud of you for doing so great at school. I already knew you were smart...but I love that you are now being respectful and behaving in class."
"Well, a person can be smart and not be good. It's not about the brain - it's about the heart."
"You're right, Sam."
Sincerely, he very seriously added, "Sometimes when I do good things my heart is clean. When I my heart is dirty, I don't do good things and my heart needs to be washed in the washing machine. Then I can do good things again."
Stunned by the profoundness of this 7-year-old's revelation, we said good-night.
Sam's right. When we act with a clean heart, God enables us to "do good". God is the washing machine. My prayer today is to have a clean heart so I can act in a way that is pleasing to God - not just from my head - but from my heart.
Good stuff.
Had to share this, though...
Last night during bedtime prayers, I was bragging on Sam about how proud I was that he was behaving in school. See, we've had an interesting school career so far. Last year, in FIRST GRADE, he was suspended for 1 day for repeatedly talking in class. A BIT extreme in my opinion but...that's another post.
Anyway, the conversation was kind of like this:
"Sam, I am so proud of you for doing so great at school. I already knew you were smart...but I love that you are now being respectful and behaving in class."
"Well, a person can be smart and not be good. It's not about the brain - it's about the heart."
"You're right, Sam."
Sincerely, he very seriously added, "Sometimes when I do good things my heart is clean. When I my heart is dirty, I don't do good things and my heart needs to be washed in the washing machine. Then I can do good things again."
Stunned by the profoundness of this 7-year-old's revelation, we said good-night.
Sam's right. When we act with a clean heart, God enables us to "do good". God is the washing machine. My prayer today is to have a clean heart so I can act in a way that is pleasing to God - not just from my head - but from my heart.
Good stuff.
Friday, October 10, 2008
TSMS - Blessed Be The Name of the LORD
This week has been such a mix of ups and downs! It really has been a "Roller" coaster. Last Monday, Matt was a victim of our economy...that's right...downsized. Yuck.
Just a few days later, I received thrilling, long-awaited news...I officially have a literary agent! The proposal for a new book went out to Christian publishers and already received positive response! Yeah.
Our health insurance ended 2 weeks ago. Yuck.
The Bible study I'm leading, "Discerning the Voice of God," began with great response. Yeah.
Matt continues to follow-up on leads: some with positive response.
Please join me in praying that God's Will be VERY EVIDENT in our lives during these times. We are united in our passion to please Him. We will CHOOSE to say, "Blessed be the name of the LORD!"
Check out more TSMS with Amy!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
TSMS - I Will Not Be Moved
Every once in a while I'll hear a song that I just want to pump up as loud as my speakers can stand...this Natalie Grant song is it right now.
I LOVE the message, rhythm and it's easy to dance to...I give it a 10.
Better Together
I just love Jack Johnson. My awareness of him began when we saw the movie, Curious George.
This week at our school, students were asked to dress as a book character for Book Fair activities. Sam dressed as "The Man in the Yellow Hat" - and won the prize for 2nd grade!

Darby was ADORABLE as Little Bo Peep - fully equipped with staff and sheep. It was a such fun day!

I had a great time making their outfits and have really been bitten by the sewing bug again.
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