Whew. Where does the time go? At last post, I was wrapping up Thanksgiving and entering into December. This has been a season of thankfulness...turkey or not.
As posted before, Matt's job was eliminated on September 29. Monday, December 15, was 77 days with no job. I am thrilled to report that our Provider hasn't missed a beat. We are so thankful for the unusual ways God has allowed us to be resourceful and make money! From ebay to a craft fair at school...we have had enough. Actually, after wrapping gifts for the kids today...we have had more than enough!
Early in the month I heard James Dobson speak of his ministry beginnings. He said, "Our money has always been like manna. We have enough for today but never enough to store up." Man, that's us. This season has really made us thankful for the daily provisions!
On December 8, Thomas Nelson met for the second time to pitch/discuss the proposed book "Car-Line Devotions for Moms" Amy and I are writing. Since the proposal was just sent out in October, this process has moved quicker than "normal". God is so faithful to give little rays of light when life seems cloudy. I just love Him. Hopefully we'll know more soon.
While we were visiting family in Ohio last weekend, Matt received a call from a company he would like to work with. Monday and Tuesday this week he interviewed with them. We should know next week whether that position is for him. I would love for him to have a job for Christmas!
Matt's frame of mind was among the conversations of the week. He has, with very little exception, been at peace with godly perspective throughout this process. Then, on Sunday morning while I was dressing, God brought back to mind the prayer we prayed when Matt came home from being "let go". We prayed from the Psalm that God would keep our minds in perfect peace as we kept our minds on Him. And He has!
Why are we so shocked when we ask for something specifically...and God gives it to us? Mercy. That's a lesson in itself!
I'll post more often...hopefully with terrific news about a job or book contract!
Janet Roller - Living Oak Ministries

- Janet Roller
- Hi. I'm Janet Roller: wife of one, mother of two, lover of coffee and writer of songs. I have just finished my first fiction novel and I'm looking forward to watching how God uses the simple story to minister to others. God is a big deal to me. My goal each day is to wake up and declare, "This day is Yours, Lord. Show me what to do with it."