Lysa Terkeurst. The name is enough if you've heard the testimony. Last night she blessed 300+ ladies at Edwards Road Baptist Church (my home-church) in Greenville, SC with her story of God's very perfect plan in our very imperfect lives. Many were moved to tears. She does such a wonderful job conveying passion and emotion through her story.
I'm encouraged today to say "yes" to God!!!
It was a blast to see all of the "home folk" at ERBC. Ladies First Choice is such a wonderful ministry. I miss being a part of it. With a couple hours on my hands before its start at 6:30, I went by to help out - just like old times. It was my pleasure to serve as we placed brownies and salads on the beautifully prepared tables.
Bloggie buddies united once again. I actually met "Runner Mom" (for the second time). Susan had been on my blog before and introduced herself at the event. Get this...she actually looked at my house in Mauldin when it was for sale 2 years ago! Crazy stuff! I'm so glad we connected again...this time in the Lord's house.

The kids are in school and I have more to post. Check back soon.
Good stuff!
So glad we got to visit last night! It was fun. I miss you and ERBC.
What fun to see all of you again! You are so tremendously sweet and, now I know, amazingly talented!!! I LOVE your cd! What a beautiful voice God has blessed you with!!!
Thanks for making me feel so welcome! And I won't make any comments about my "funny" here on your tempting as it may be. :)
Hey! Loved catching up with you again the other night! That was awesome! I had such a great time! I wish that you were still just around the corner!! We'd have a ball!
I need to hear your CD!! Where can I find it? And, as of now, no sub job on Friday, so I'll be watching you on tv!! Woohoo!
Hi Janet,
I think I've visited once before (but don't hold me to it!).
You are just so beautiful, girl, and so is your family. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Lysa (I've never heard her testimony - I was at She Speaks but went to Urgent Care on Friday night when she spoke...) and with meeting all the blogging friends.
Hey Janet!
I came by after seeing your pic on "runner mom"'s blog. You are too cute and look just like a friend of mine, named Janet!!! I had to come here and make sure you were a different Janet, you look so much alike! You are, of course, and I'm glad I stopped by. What a sweet soul you are.
Lisa :)
Hey, girlfriend! I feel so bad! I missed your tv action this morning! I got a sub job for today--the only one this week- so I know that God provided that for me. I am going to pull up Ch. 7 and see if they have it on their website!! Our VCR no longer works, so I didn't tape it!! I am really disappointed!! I know you did a wonderful job, and that God was with you the entire time. Talk to you soon!
Love ya,
PS--I have a question about one part of you website--the music! Could you email me at Thanks so much! Y'all enjoy your weekend!
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