See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19
This verse began the amazing journey. This morning I am in awe of how God can take a "dry" area and make water come. Let me explain.
In November, Matt and I felt lead to begin pursuing the calling into a music ministry. For the years before, God placed numerous songs and messages in my heart. It seemed apparent that the time had come to record and share them with the world. But that takes money - more money than we could spare. So, after prayer, we decided to send letters to the friends from church who had expressed interest and support in the past. One-by-one, the envelopes with checks came in. Soon, we had enough for the first step...recording 4 songs.
Then my God did something amazing again. He united me with a contact from a year before. Jim Diehl taught at the school where I did last year. I had no idea that he was on staff with the NC Baptist Association - but God did. Jim invited me to share with 40+ pastors in our area. From that opportunities have filled the first half of 2008. Now, God is moving Jim to Aiken, SC to serve on the SC Baptist Convention's staff as Director of Missions. He is taking my brochures and promoting my ministry there, too. Wow.
More contributions trickled in, allowing me to record 4 more songs with wonderful, seasoned musicians.
Everyday for months in car-line, while waiting for my children, I have taken my laptop along to write devotions for mothers - with the "dream" of publishing a book. I've also written a children's book dealing with losing a close loved one. With my experience of losing my mom when I was 19, I feel I have some perspective. Again, how does one get in front of a publisher to "pitch" the book? Go to a conference? Yes. But, there's the $ issue again. Well...yesterday I received notification from CWFI that I was awarded a scholarship to the Blue Ridge Mountain Writer's Conference. FREE registration, room and board. The only thing I need to pay for is transportation - and it is at Ridgecrest (one hour away!)! Praise the Lord for another open door.
I am excited and expectant - a little nervous- but mostly awe-struck at how God moves obstacles and opens up opportunities when we trust Him. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Today I am headed back to Rushing Winds Recording Studio to finalize vocals on the first 8 songs. The next step is completing the project with 3-4 more songs. Since the majority of the project is original songs, I wanted to pull some classics I grew up with. It looks like I'm going with: Great is Thy Faithfulness, His Name is Wonderful/There's Just Something About that Name, and a medley of Sweet By and By/Unclouded Day/When We all Get to Heaven.
As finances allow, we will add background vocals to all of the songs and get them ready for duplication with graphics. I don't know how God will provide the money - but I know He will. We've come too far not to trust Him!
Thank you for your prayers! More to come!
I am sooo EXCITED for you and proud of you!!!!
Praying for you today as you record.
WOW, WOW, WOW is RIGHT! What an awesome testimony of how ALL things are possible with God! Thanks for sharing this! I don't even know you, but I am just so excited for you! He is SO good!!!
First of all, that picture is gorgeous! I am so excited for you Janet! I can't wait to see what God has in store. He has big plans for you girl!! God bless and congratulations!!!!!! Yahooooo! I feel so blessed to know you!
Congrats on everything! It's so awesome when we know we are doing what God intends for us to do. there is just a peace like no other.
Way to go!!
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