This morning I picked up Streams in the Desert, a 366-day devotional, with hopes of grasping a "God-nugget" just for me. I did.
Yesterday on facebook, a lifelong family friend commented on my recent YouTube video in which I sang and shared a very brief testimony. My testimony centers around the Christian example my mother showed all before passing away in 1996. He, now a nurse, commented that he still shares the story of my mother's complete faith in God to heal her in spite of her pain from cancer. He also went on to say he could still hear her singing and playing the piano in his mind.
My mother was a wonderful lady who LOVED God and, in a gentle way, let everyone know it. Now, 14 years after her passing, a young man who was probably 10-years-old when she died, is commenting to strangers about her testimony of faith. Wow.
"Do the most everyday and insignificant tasks knowing that God can see. If you live with difficult people, win them over through love. If you once made a great mistake in life, do not allow it to cloud the rest of your life, but by locking it secretly in your heart, make it yield strength and character.
We are doing more good than we know. The things we do today - sowing seeds or sharing simple truths of Christ - people will someday refer to as the first things that prompted them to think of Him. For my part, I will be satisfied not to have some great tombstone over my grave but just to know that common people will gather there once I am gone and say, "He was a good man. He never performed any miracles, but he told me about Christ, which lead me to know Him for myself." (George Matheson,Streams in the Desert, February 24)
Today, you may encounter someone at work, school or the grocery store who doesn't know what Christ "looks like". Pray for wisdom and discernment and live your life to represent Him...the eternal ripple effects are endless.
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