I love when I read the Bible and have a "holy highlighter moment"! You know, when you come across a passage of scripture that seems to be just for you. I could almost hear the chorus of angels sing their unified tone when my eyes took it in...aaahhhhh.
You see, yesterday, I added a little to a writing project about knowing your calling. I am not an expert...just a fellow wanderer in this life and I wanted to know what God says about His plan for each of us. In my recent conversations, people want to know why they are "here". Have they served their life's purpose if they don't travel around the world and rescue children from burning buildings? Afterall, isn't that what being a "Christian" is all about?
Before I began writing, I stopped and prayed. I can't say I do this every time. Sometimes I feel so inspired while making a bed or sweeping something that I drop my task and quickly record it in writing. Yesterday was different. I felt lead to write but I didn't know what direction to take. So, I prayed.
Before I could even take in the moment fully, God made me keenly aware that our FIRST calling from Him is salvation. Without the relationship with Him and assurance of eternity, how can we expect to serve Him fully on earth? So I wrote and wrote. A little heavy for a first chapter, I thought. But then...this morning my Bible reading quickly lead me to this passage.
"...we are confident of better things in your case - things that accompany salvation." Hebrews 6:9
God allows blessings in our lives and clarity of calling is one of them. However, without Salvation, we miss the better things because we've bypassed the BEST thing.
Search your heart. If you're trying to serve Him without salvation, it's just busyness. Dedicate your life to Him today. Whether you ever lead a mighty crusade or save starving orphans in a third world country, answering His call will be the best decision you make.
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