Me, Kimberly, Carol and Amy
Have you ever had a week (or month) when you were constantly questioning, "What day is it?" April 2008 qualifies as my answer. Man, what a month so far. A quick look to the right --> and you will see a few calendar dates that have kept me busy. Throw in a family reunion 3 hours away, studio time to finish up the CD project and the occasional FAMILY interaction...it's enough to run a chick ragged.
Even though God wants us to "be still", let me share how God shows up - even in the busyness. Monday was a crazy day. After taking the kids to school, I finished up some Forum (that's PTO for any other school) papers that needed to go home to 400 kids. By 9am I was on my way to Dallas, NC (one hour from my town) to meet with the background vocalists. 10am - 2pm...in the studio. 2pm, headed back to Forest City to pick up my mother-in-law because we were heading to Greenville, SC (hour + away) to meet with the ladies from Taylors First Baptist Church about a possibility of ministering before we went to hear Carol Kent speak at Edwards Road Baptist. As we were leaving the meeting place, I realized my car was making a terrible, Harley-type of sound (nothing against Harleys - it's just not a very appealing sound for a Ford Windstar!) As I pulled over into the next parking lot, it was clearly the tire. A flat. That was not on the schedule. Penny, my M.I.L., quickly accessed her AAA card and called for help. In the meanwhile, I began impressing her with my knowledge of where the spare tire was (it doesn't take much, apparently). As I was in the process of releasing the spare from underneath the car, a sweet-faced fella' approached us. I, in my southern-girl way, immediately started explaining what happened and what our position was. He only said, "No English". And without a word or compensation, he changed the tire in record time. We were on our way with renewed hope in mankind and chivalry.
We went to Sears to repair the tire - and were met by Amy, who was also going to see Carol Kent, to take us the rest of the way. Provision and perfect placement.
The night's events involving the car and getting back to NC were far from over. On a different day, at a different time, my mind and heart may have been flustered by the events of Monday. However, I realize my purposeful daily reading of God's word had softened my response and sharpened my acknowlegement of God's hand in this situation.
Carol Kent was wonderful and has a dynamic testimony. But my most inspiring "God moment" was the interaction of a mild-mannered, selfless stranger - whose only translatable language was kindness. God, thank You for angels in all packages.
I had not heard the part about the gentleman who helped you guys out! What a tremendous blessing!
It was so nice to meet you! Hope the rest of your week is a little less adventurous! But, atleast we know, if there is any more adventure...God will always be there, just as He was Monday!
That is so awesome!! I know you were tired out by the time the night was over! ;)
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