OK. Today it hit me. You know, that nervous "what if I forget something" feeling in the pit of your stomach when a big trip is coming up. And justly so. With Ciffside Baptist's Women's Conference on May 24 and the Blue Ridge Christian Writer's Conference the week before...I'm a bit stressed. Add in my end-of-the-wrap-up responsibilites as Communications Chair on the Forum (that's PTO at our school), sending out cd's and other ministry information as requested, T-ball games - all the while cooking and maintaining some sense of schedule in the house.
Quickly I flip to 'ole Phillipians 4:6 for comfort.
Do not be anxious...pray. Bring all your worries to God in prayer. Don't stress, Janet. Seek God and He will put the important things in order.
JPV (Janet's Paraphrased Version)
This week I worked on my website. After trying out a few other hosting servers (which until this week sounded like terms in a nice restaurant), I settled on VistaPrint. So easy and I think it looks pretty good ... considering my very limited web-site-creating skills.
Check it out: http://www.janetroller.com/
I bought the domain name (or web address) 6 months ago. When I signed on with VistaPrint, they gave their own web address for me. If you click on janetroller.com, it will "forward" you to their place for me (livingoakministries.vpweb.com). No matter how many times you type in my bought-and-paid-for domain name...it forwards you to the one that opens the site. It connects me to the source of information!
This morning I was encouraged by that in my relationship with God.
When I am looking for spiritual "sight" - I just turn to His Word and, no matter where I look within the Bible, it "forwards" me to God. Yes, the Word IS God. But it is also the means by which we learn more about how to live, love, cope, laugh, discipline, ask, seek, knock, forgive, draw near, etc. No matter what the scripture address, Phillipian 4:6 or John 3:16, the automatic forwarding system kicks in to send us to the main source of the information. Jesus.
I encourage you to get in God's Word today and roll around in His goodness.
That's something to look FORWARD to!
Have a blessed day!
It looks great! I know you'll do great with everything!
Praying for you during this busy time! The website looks great.
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