Janet Roller - Living Oak Ministries

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Hi. I'm Janet Roller: wife of one, mother of two, lover of coffee and writer of songs. I have just finished my first fiction novel and I'm looking forward to watching how God uses the simple story to minister to others. God is a big deal to me. My goal each day is to wake up and declare, "This day is Yours, Lord. Show me what to do with it."

Friday, February 29, 2008

Thin Hair, Buck Teeth and a Camo Coat

I talked with my good friend Kathy today. She is a godly woman, mother and truely special friend of mine of nearly 10 years - (and more like me than my own relatives). She told the sweetest story and I have to share it with you (note: some names have been changed to protect the innocent).

Kathy's 10-year-old son recently had a Valentine's Day party in his school class. On the ride home, he shared with her the day's activites. Apparently, after the "great card-exchange" the students began exchanging compliments. "You are always very nice" and "You have a friendly face" were among the responses.

Then the conversation went toward the "like" department. Not just "like" but "like-like". He began to inform her of all the would-be pair-ups in the elementary class. She asked, "Well, who do you like?"


"What do you mean 'anymore'? Who did you like?"


"Which one is Michelle?"

"You know...the girl with long thin hair, buck teeth - she wears the camoflage coat?"

"Oh." (With such a description, who wouldn't like her???) Thinking about all of the extremely cute girls in his class, why had he settled on this one to like?

"What is it about her that you like?" she asked.

"Well, she's nice and she goes to church."

What an example from a 5th grader!

Aren't we sometimes so quick to choose the most popular or best-looking option...when what God really wants is for us to love Him?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


Cheri said...

How precious is that. Oh, what we could learn from the youngins!

Hope everything went well with the last 4 songs!

Carol said...

I LOVE IT! That is cracking me up. I'm going to retell that one at my next social gathering.

Amy Wyatt said...

Ok... he could have been describing some of our relatives... LOL. JK.

Jenny said...

What a blessing, a little one who already knows that God looks at the heart not the outside. If only more of us did the same.

Have a great weekend!